Scoring for Games

Scoring For Games

With Austin Wintory


Date: June 8-9 (Saturday – Sunday)

Schedule: 10-1:00 / 2-5:00 PDT

In this 2-day course AUSTIN WINTORY will provide rare insight into his approach towards scoring for games and the process of development/production.

  • ” Where do we start” ?
    Present a diverse array of Austin Wintory previous projects by delving into the genesis of each concept. Explore the initial insights and discussions that shaped the musical direction, essentially asking, “Where did we begin?”

  • ” Process, interactivity, design”
    Following that, Austin will detail the production process and development journey, with a strong focus on interactivity and design. Consequently, the task at hand will mirror his own experiences.
  • “Assignments”
    Austin will furnish a fictional brief for a “new” game and the assignment to the participant will be to create a pitch outlining the approach, a brief theme sketch, and an exploration of the envisioned interactivity and design elements.

3-time Grammy-nominated and 2-time BAFTA winning composer Austin Wintory

has worked on a wide variety of titles spanning games, film, TV and the concert hall. Most known for his work on the PS3 game Journey, his other games include Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, The Banner Saga trilogy, ABZU, The Pathless, Aliens: Fireteam Elite, LEGO Fortnite, the interactive musical Stray Gods and many others. He scored over 60 feature films, and regularly has his music performed around the world (often conducting himself).
Prior collaborations include the London Symphony, the Royal Philharmonic in London, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the National Symphony in Washington DC, the San Francisco Symphony, the Colorado Symphony, the Melbourne and Queensland Symphonies of Australia, and many others.

He’s also an active podcaster, co-hosting Play Watch Listen and Brushes and Keys, and periodically guest hosting the Academy of Interactive Arts and Science’s Game Maker’s Notebook.